2:56 PM

I was destined to have Sophie. A little less than 4 years ago, I saw an Ad at a local Park N Shop of someone giving up a Labrador Retriever for adoption. I tore the ad down and took it home. Whilst we walked home, I told Rudi, I want to name her Sophie. Bright and early the next day, I called the number and asked the owners if she was still available. She was.. and I asked Chris, what is her name and he said SuQi. Like the Taiwanese actress. SuQi/ Sophie. Easy enough for me to tweak.

Anyways, it's been good having Sophie around. She makes me laugh so much. There are days I actually wonder, how much of what we say she'd actually understand... Thank god she can't talk, or else she would be leaking a lot of our secrets to our friends...Happy birthday Sophie.

It seems to me that the more educated we are, the more nourishment we receive, the better groomed we are, we become more and more reliant on what I call the SOP on life. Standard of Procedures. Oh god, I get so fucking annoyed when I talk about this...

Let me quote you an example, it was late one evening, I wanted to buy this traditional Chinese biscuit from this particular pastry shop down in Central. The boss said to me, I only have 5 egg tarts left, do you want it miss? I felt sorry for the old man and I said yes. He put it in a plastic bag for me and I was like, what are you doing? Can't you give me a box? He said, we only give you a box if you buy six...... Number 1 - you had 5 fucking eggtarts left wor, I can't like shit an extra one right.

Really, you must be shitting me right and plus the fact, I had no intentions to buy egg-fucking tarts in the first place. I pitied the guy and he couldn't even give me a fucking box. What kind of rule is that? Due to his obstinate ways of not relenting over a fucking box, this man I can tell you ended my relationship with his biscuits...FOR GOOD...

I don't know about you; I remembered a time when people went the extra mile to make someone else happy. There was this old sundry shop grandma used to buy rice from. The shop lady would always give me some candies when I visited. It was such a small act of gesture on her end that resulted to a lifelong revenue stream from grandma up until the time of her demise. So Why the fucking hell did we become so fucking robotic?

A few months ago, I read with a fair amount of disbelief a story about a nurse at the emergency ward not attending to a man lying outside the hospital who was then suffering from a heart attack. The excuse - not within standard of procedure. The man must make a call through 999... Harlow??? Who the fuck created this standard of procedure, I don't know...

Is it our flawed education system that numbed our brains? Is it because we are so contended with mediocracy that we just come to work and leave work feeling indifferent about anything? How come there are so many people living on earth and yet not even 10% of them are making a difference to the world? No one dares to correct anyone when things go wrong. No one dares to say, fuck you standard of procedures. Ya right, just blame it all on the system la. Afterall we all die right....

1:57 PM

It's been so long since I blogged that I forgot what my password was... Looking back at my last post made a few days before my operation. It's a bit hard summarizing what I have been up to in the last two and a half months.

I had one month off during which that time, I played host to my mum and brother and my best friend came with her boyfriend...

I went back to work.. Not much to shout about..

I browsing through my mobile phone. NOW I have something to boast about - I haven't misplaced or lost or drop or broke any mobile phones and over the years in HK, I have accumulated numbers of people whom I can't even remember who they are..... Not that I am so bothered to find out who they are anyways. Because if I can't remember who they are, that means they are pretty insignificant.

Such is life and as we grow older, we tend to leave a lot of people behind. I did something recently which I thought I'd never do; my 6 feet tall ego would have dissuaded me before I even dared tried... Many years ago before I even came to HK, I had a very bad fallout with a group of friends.. Whilst I don't really bother how most of them really are, there was once person in the group that I had cared a lot for. Though we haven't seen each other in years, still there are things that reminds me fondly of her. I took the courage to ask a friend her number and called her. The conversation was brief and polite. After my call, I SMS-ed her and told her that I would be home for a week next month and if she wants to see me, I'd liked that very much...

I secretly hope she will call me because I had missed her a lot all these years but I am trying not to have too much expectation of it..

Moving on, I was watching Planet of the Apes the other day and oh my god - how the apes remind me of Michael Jackson.....and not the male apes, the female ones. I just googled - Planet of the Apes and guess what photos came out - Michael side by side with the APE.. oh wow!

I was on my last week of my one month break in June when Michael Jackson died. Funny a couple a months ago when he made his announcement that he was doing the " Curtain Call", I had hoped that he would come to HK or at least somewhere remotely nearer and less expensive for me to travel. Oh well, maybe it's better to remember him the way he used to be - vibrant, very flexible, so so talented and darker. I was really sad the day he passed - in many ways, Michael Jackson had a special meaning to each and everyone of us - children who grew up in the 1980s... When he passed on - it was the end of an era for myself.

When I look back in search of the fleeting memories that form my perception of what I'd call as my formative years - Michael Jackson had played such an intimate role. He filled my heart with love for music, a love that was sooooo simple and easy.
Michael, thank you.. If it wasn't for you. My childhood would have been so lonely and in many ways, I know you wanted to make this world a better place for children. You did, for me at least. I will miss you forever...

12:25 PM

When I was in Grade 4, I failed my Maths exam for the very first time. I believe that was the first time I have ever failed anything in my life. Maybe because I am daddy's girl that I have a way higher expectation of myself compared to most people. I absolutely detest failing because failing is hardly ever an option for me. I don't know but after that failure in Grade 4, I developed a phobia for Maths. A phobia that has haunted me till today.

When I was in my teens, I remembered it was during holiday season, Alex my brother was playing in the garden. He jumped into the house dragging with him, a trail of blood. He cut himself against a metal rod embedded somewhere in the garden. Without hesitation, William my other brother jumped into the car and sped him to the emergency room. I held his wound together with my bare hands. The wound was so deep so profound, I saw right through his bones. When we got to the hospital, he was rolled to the emergency room. I stood at the side of the sink, vomitting my guts out. The smell of blood so vile, iron-like. It was that day that I developed another phobia.. A phobia for blood... A phobia that has haunted me till today.

When I was six, I remembered seeing/ hearing my mother cried. And she cried a whole lot. I don't know anyone so broken. A failed marriage. An emotionally dejected wife whose husband's love has moved on to another woman. I spent a big part of my childhood/adulthood making myself so strong and so secure, I'd hate to admit that I too have an Achilles' heel. I hate dependency and I hate people who live in la la land, thinking that when you meet the one, you are complete. I do have another phobia. A phobia for letting myself seen as vulnerable..

But you know what, I am tired being fearing, I am tired of having phobias. From now on, I am going to face them because phobias giving me a fucking excuse trying escape from things. In the end, we all die anyways....

Anyways, after three attempts. First attempt - it rained, second attempt - we went the wrong way and third one - we finally conquered Dragon's Back. Easy nice hike with beautiful views..

The world famous Dragon's Back..

Shek O Village

My god daughter Moochie. Steph got her from HK Dog Rescue

Sophie likes her new godsister already..

At twilight..

So this is how the Dragon's back look like...

Me, Ruby and Steph

1:22 PM

Zuzi sent me a picture of her baby. Frankly I can't see anything. It looked a little like an abstract piece of art to me. Oh my god, how does something so abstract looking be a human? When my grandma passed away about two years ago, my dad told me not to feel that because grandma's cycle of life has been completed. She has continue to live on in all of us.. It makes me so sad yet it's so true.

Anyways I told Zuzi, I can't see anything and Zuzi being good old Zuzi did me a favor by breaking down the bits.
Oh my god, it is it is a BABY. How wonderful is that!!!!! Zuzi, I sure hope that your baby comes out a lot more prettier.

9:23 PM

I have been terrible at blogging. I have been part busy, part lazy and part troubled.. I confirmed the date of my surgery two days ago and I am set to go in to remove my thyroid glands on the 6th of June. On one hand I can't wait to get over it and on the other, I am a little paranoid about having cut up and stitched back.

So much has been said about financial crisis in the last few months, it's been all we ever talk about these days. I came across a very interesting topic of argument the other day at the chamber event which I honestly think it's bollocks. The topic of discussion was if there were more women at top ranks of financial institutions, will we be in the shit we are in today? I don't think through that discussion a general consensus was met but most people leaned towards ( well because they were mainly women who attended) the suggestion that if only that were the case, the world would be a much better place. The reason - women are simply much more nurturing. Like, what the fuck?????
If we really think about people and the inherent nature of people, I can pretty much sum up that greed, the need for power, fame and the passion for $$$ is not gender exclusive. Women love power, money, fame as much as men. If we look back and trace some of the biggest historical fuck-ups of all time, there was surely a woman manipulating the situation..

The fall of the great Ching Dynasty - The ugly, buck toothed Empress Dowager Ci Xi.

French Revolution - Fatty Marie Antoinette

The fall of the Romanov Emperor - Dumb Czarina who was manipulated by evil madman/ shaman Rasputin

The Trojan war was started because of two stupid men fighting over a conniving beautiful woman.
Imelda Marcos - the ex first lady of the Philippines had more than 20000 pairs of shoes when most of her people aren't even able to find a job locally and hence the Philippines gaining notoriety as the nation of servants. Poor Filipinos and it makes me damn bloody angry.
Enough said... Dumb people like talking about dumb things. And you know what is even scarier, dumb people posing to be smart people discussing about the what ifs. Fuck this shit and you know what, just fucking deal with it and try and move on.

The house is almost done, just a few days more... I can't tell you the sense of relief sweeping over us. There is nothing quite like seeing through a project and all the bad things that happened during the process, you know it's pretty small compared to the finished product. I bought a whole new set of cutlery.I did all the picking and I feel like a bonafide lady...... Quah Quah

My dragon boat practices are drawing to a close and race day is on the 28th of May. Whilst I still feel like the weakest link, I do not for one moment doubt my willingness to try. I walk away from this learning that when you are in a group sport, you should learn how to put away your personal egos and think about everyone else and the greater good. I never used to think like that. I am one person who is very egoistic about my principles and I do not think that my principles are for bargained. It's a great lesson and I am glad Ruby got me involved. Thank you Ruby...

I planned a hike last Labour Day. The thing is, I have been making promises to take random people hiking for months now and it was high time I made good on my promise. Well, many people turned up and it was such a beautiful day for a hike as well..
Going to Beijing next week. I can't wait to see my friends in Beijing. I am going to try my best to work out everyday. One of the reasons why I hate business trips, schedules are crazy and I am too polite( try) to tell people, seriously I am one chick who hates to be entertained. Just give me my gym and I am a happy camper...

When people tell me HK is a shit hole, I tell them get out of their assholes and look around. The view at Tai Long Wan

Gerard and Peggy

Everybody wants a Sophie kinda of handshake. It's a hard job being popular

Group photo. One for memory sake

The hot ladies I work with

Is this the face of a killer dog?

I secretly believe that my mother has obsessive compulsive disorder. I don't know anyone who checks 5 times prior to going to bed just to ensure the front door is locked. You know that song we used to sing in kindergarten about looking right and left and right again before you cross the road? Well my mother does that in multiples every time she crosses the road.

I'd to believe that all babies are born clean, innocent and unburdened by all the miseries of the world - well until our parents fucked us up with their issues. If we take a look at the criminal profiling of ALL serial killers ever recorded in history - Ted Bundy, BTK, Charles Manson - they all share one thing in common. Fucked up parents.. Can you believe it? Till he was about a teenager, Ted Bundy thought his grandmother was his biological mother and his sister was actually his real mum!

In the last 48 hours, two people have told me that they are parents in waiting. First, my lovely friend Zuzi told me yesterday morning that she is three months along and she will be having the baby in HK. Congratulations Zuzi!! I am so happy for you and Mark and just this morning Juls told me he is going to be a first time dad.

Seriously because I am at the age whereby all my friends are either parents or have plans to be parent. For me, I think about if I ever became a mother, what values will I teach my children

To be honest; I have been having this argument with people about raising children. In a world like today, is there seriously a wholesome place where kids just focus on just being kids? Or by the time they are born, are they already thrown into this vicious societal cycle where merits are placed on how well they do in school, how good they are at sports, if they will marry well, or if they will be a successful investment banker with a lucrative career at Goldman? Does it sound cliche if I say, if I ever became a mum. I just my kids to enjoy whatever stage of life they are at, think independently and not worried about being part of the system.

If only there is some kind of scanning system in place to check if people are suitable candidates to be parents, I am sure this will eliminate half the fucked ups in the world. The world would definitely be prettier and there would be more Sumatran tigers left in the wild. That would be really nice.

A few days ago, it was Easter and I don't know why but during every single public holiday, Discovery Bay ( where I live) is just infested with uncivilised people. I thought it's pretty well known in HK that DB stands for Dogs and Babies. I was queuing up to draw out some cash and this mother was pointing at Sophie and telling her son, " Be careful of the big dog, if you are naughty, the dog will bite you"

A sudden flash of anger and insanity ( Yes, I have a fucking crazy gene embedded in my system) came over me and I said to her, " Stupid woman, it is parents like you who fucked children up". I do feel a bit bad for saying it in front of her kid but look at my Sophie. She is so docile and tell me, does she look like a killer dog to you? I don't think so.. It's a real fucked up world.