Today marks one month since I have stopped smoking. After 12 years of regularly buying cigarettes, exluding the 1 -2 years odd of stealing cigarettes from friends and dad, I can now say, I don't smoke anymore.
The thing about smoking is, it's more a habit than anything else. It's not like cold or a cough where you need a cure, It's a definition of a culture. I don't know why but nearly all my fondest memories of lighting up involves my best friend Christina.
Chris, I miss you so much. We'd go to the point of rescuing each other so that we could smoke. During Chinese New Year especially when we can't smoke in front of the folks, we'd call each other with one clear message " get me out of the house, I need to fucking smoke".
I am someone extremely selective with who I consider my friends. I bloody hate bimbos and himbos and I am so lucky so have Chris you as my best friend. I say it then and I say it now, If i were a man, I'd definitely marry you because you are my soul mate.
I am one truly blessed bitch.. Merry X'mas old friend. I am going to be 30 and I say it now, you are I are going to be BFFs!