12:25 PM
When I was in Grade 4, I failed my Maths exam for the very first time. I believe that was the first time I have ever failed anything in my life. Maybe because I am daddy's girl that I have a way higher expectation of myself compared to most people. I absolutely detest failing because failing is hardly ever an option for me. I don't know but after that failure in Grade 4, I developed a phobia for Maths. A phobia that has haunted me till today.
When I was in my teens, I remembered it was during holiday season, Alex my brother was playing in the garden. He jumped into the house dragging with him, a trail of blood. He cut himself against a metal rod embedded somewhere in the garden. Without hesitation, William my other brother jumped into the car and sped him to the emergency room. I held his wound together with my bare hands. The wound was so deep so profound, I saw right through his bones. When we got to the hospital, he was rolled to the emergency room. I stood at the side of the sink, vomitting my guts out. The smell of blood so vile, iron-like. It was that day that I developed another phobia.. A phobia for blood... A phobia that has haunted me till today.
When I was six, I remembered seeing/ hearing my mother cried. And she cried a whole lot. I don't know anyone so broken. A failed marriage. An emotionally dejected wife whose husband's love has moved on to another woman. I spent a big part of my childhood/adulthood making myself so strong and so secure, I'd hate to admit that I too have an Achilles' heel. I hate dependency and I hate people who live in la la land, thinking that when you meet the one, you are complete. I do have another phobia. A phobia for letting myself seen as vulnerable..
But you know what, I am tired being fearing, I am tired of having phobias. From now on, I am going to face them because phobias giving me a fucking excuse trying escape from things. In the end, we all die anyways....
Anyways, after three attempts. First attempt - it rained, second attempt - we went the wrong way and third one - we finally conquered Dragon's Back. Easy nice hike with beautiful views..

The world famous Dragon's Back..

My god daughter Moochie. Steph got her from HK Dog Rescue
Sophie likes her new godsister already..
At twilight..

So this is how the Dragon's back look like...
Me, Ruby and Steph
May 25, 2009 at 3:27 PM �
the view at dragon's back looks beautiful!! i am looking forward to some nice, easy hikes in hk :)
do you remember one of my absurd phobias back in college... hehe... glad i got over that one.