Ah Dee.. three leg but plenty of attitude.....
On Friday morning, sitting pretty on my desk at work was a card from my Secret Santa telling me that my wish has been fulfilled. That must have been one of my happiest days at work. Thank you Secret Santa.
Early this year when Joanne wanted to have dogs, my suggestion was to go to the HK Dog Rescue where she and Rupert got two initially maniacal dogs, Ketchup and Pabu. When we bumped into them today, I am so happy so say that they both have mellowed and are now normal functioning dogs. Dogs, like every living flourish when they are loved.
Pabu and Ketchup chilling after a long walk
Sophie arrived home on Good Friday of 2006, we had seen ad at the local supermarket about a labrador for adoption.. I jumped and took home the ad because I was afraid someone might get her before me. Whilst we were walking home, I felt like a child carrying a box of chocolates, I told Rudi, I want to name her Sophie because I had just read Sophie's World. The next morning, I called and Chris picked up. I asked him questions about the dog who was then a little more than a year old. Toilet trained - excellent!!! I asked Chris, what is the dog's name and he said, Shu Qi, his wife named her after the actress. I gagged but was excited that I could phenotically tweak it to Sophie..Like they say, the rest is history.
If you know animals as well as I do, I can tell you that each of them is different and they possess with them this special way of diffusing your negativity..... Be fair to them, don't have a dog if you can't. If you think that you'd still like to help. You can sponsor an animal through - Society of Abandoned Animals
To sponsor an animal, it's only HKD$ 99 a month -that is just like three lattes at Starbucks.

Posted In
Hong Kong Dog Rescue,
Society of Abandoned Animals