I love Beijing. I love the people, the culture, the food and the history of the city. It is hard to believe that this city is at least a 1000 years ago because when you see Beijing today, skyscrapers are a common sight. I like the fact that the city is laid out in rings - the first ring of the city starts from the walls surrounding the Forbidden City.
During the weekends, I had the privilege of walking around with my camera taking photos of the city. I have been told time and time that I take very creative photos( out focus seems to be my signature) I don't think Wing Shya ( Wong Kar Wai's ex photographer) is really all that good anyways. For me pictures need to frame a perspective from the seer's point of view. Again like everything in life, there is no right or wrong answers, I hope you can enjoy them. For those of you who have not been in Beijing, I hope that someday you can because I reckon it's definitely one of the best cities to live in Asia. As for me, I'll only live in Beijing if the air quality improves - one day of walking around in the city leaves you with a lot of nose shit.

Robots made out of tin - Toys from your childhood before there were G.I Joes

Oh my god, decisions and decisions!

Very tacky, I know!

I guess it's cool to joke about the Cultural Revolution now?
I don't know why Chairman Mao is often depicted with rosy fat cheeks, surely if you lived on Communistic diet, you can't get cheeks like those right? And so I guess he didn't
I want to bring those home !
So cute!
Little pussy sitting serenely on the grounds of Temples of Heaven
The emperors are now churning in their graves, everyone can be royal these days for only 100 Yuan
The Forbidden City - they don't call it a fucking city for no reason! Too bad the weather sucked that day!
I swear, it started with just the old guy then more and more came. I love this lack of inhabitation, just join la what's the problem right?
I don't know why, there is something very funny about this picture. The guy in wheel chair had a harmonica and at the back of him are those two in the next picture
This is why Beijing is so cool, it's the concoction between different elements.
I hope someday Rudi and I don't end up like this. Surely a divorce is in the cards!
I'd like to believe that no matter how different we are and how we are defined by our beliefs and our values, there are just fundamental things that truly remind how alike we are of each other. And maybe we should talk more about these more instead of just differences
Oh look at the doggie!! So cute