9:23 PM
I have been terrible at blogging. I have been part busy, part lazy and part troubled.. I confirmed the date of my surgery two days ago and I am set to go in to remove my thyroid glands on the 6th of June. On one hand I can't wait to get over it and on the other, I am a little paranoid about having cut up and stitched back.
So much has been said about financial crisis in the last few months, it's been all we ever talk about these days. I came across a very interesting topic of argument the other day at the chamber event which I honestly think it's bollocks. The topic of discussion was if there were more women at top ranks of financial institutions, will we be in the shit we are in today? I don't think through that discussion a general consensus was met but most people leaned towards ( well because they were mainly women who attended) the suggestion that if only that were the case, the world would be a much better place. The reason - women are simply much more nurturing. Like, what the fuck?????
If we really think about people and the inherent nature of people, I can pretty much sum up that greed, the need for power, fame and the passion for $$$ is not gender exclusive. Women love power, money, fame as much as men. If we look back and trace some of the biggest historical fuck-ups of all time, there was surely a woman manipulating the situation..
The fall of the great Ching Dynasty - The ugly, buck toothed Empress Dowager Ci Xi.
French Revolution - Fatty Marie Antoinette
The fall of the Romanov Emperor - Dumb Czarina who was manipulated by evil madman/ shaman Rasputin
The Trojan war was started because of two stupid men fighting over a conniving beautiful woman.
Imelda Marcos - the ex first lady of the Philippines had more than 20000 pairs of shoes when most of her people aren't even able to find a job locally and hence the Philippines gaining notoriety as the nation of servants. Poor Filipinos and it makes me damn bloody angry.
Enough said... Dumb people like talking about dumb things. And you know what is even scarier, dumb people posing to be smart people discussing about the what ifs. Fuck this shit and you know what, just fucking deal with it and try and move on.
The house is almost done, just a few days more... I can't tell you the sense of relief sweeping over us. There is nothing quite like seeing through a project and all the bad things that happened during the process, you know it's pretty small compared to the finished product. I bought a whole new set of cutlery.I did all the picking and I feel like a bonafide lady...... Quah Quah
My dragon boat practices are drawing to a close and race day is on the 28th of May. Whilst I still feel like the weakest link, I do not for one moment doubt my willingness to try. I walk away from this learning that when you are in a group sport, you should learn how to put away your personal egos and think about everyone else and the greater good. I never used to think like that. I am one person who is very egoistic about my principles and I do not think that my principles are for bargained. It's a great lesson and I am glad Ruby got me involved. Thank you Ruby...
I planned a hike last Labour Day. The thing is, I have been making promises to take random people hiking for months now and it was high time I made good on my promise. Well, many people turned up and it was such a beautiful day for a hike as well..
Going to Beijing next week. I can't wait to see my friends in Beijing. I am going to try my best to work out everyday. One of the reasons why I hate business trips, schedules are crazy and I am too polite( try) to tell people, seriously I am one chick who hates to be entertained. Just give me my gym and I am a happy camper...

When people tell me HK is a shit hole, I tell them get out of their assholes and look around. The view at Tai Long Wan
Gerard and Peggy
Everybody wants a Sophie kinda of handshake. It's a hard job being popular
Group photo. One for memory sake
The hot ladies I work with
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