1:57 PM
It's been so long since I blogged that I forgot what my password was... Looking back at my last post made a few days before my operation. It's a bit hard summarizing what I have been up to in the last two and a half months.
I had one month off during which that time, I played host to my mum and brother and my best friend came with her boyfriend...
I went back to work.. Not much to shout about..
I browsing through my mobile phone. NOW I have something to boast about - I haven't misplaced or lost or drop or broke any mobile phones and over the years in HK, I have accumulated numbers of people whom I can't even remember who they are..... Not that I am so bothered to find out who they are anyways. Because if I can't remember who they are, that means they are pretty insignificant.
Such is life and as we grow older, we tend to leave a lot of people behind. I did something recently which I thought I'd never do; my 6 feet tall ego would have dissuaded me before I even dared tried... Many years ago before I even came to HK, I had a very bad fallout with a group of friends.. Whilst I don't really bother how most of them really are, there was once person in the group that I had cared a lot for. Though we haven't seen each other in years, still there are things that reminds me fondly of her. I took the courage to ask a friend her number and called her. The conversation was brief and polite. After my call, I SMS-ed her and told her that I would be home for a week next month and if she wants to see me, I'd liked that very much...
I secretly hope she will call me because I had missed her a lot all these years but I am trying not to have too much expectation of it..
Moving on, I was watching Planet of the Apes the other day and oh my god - how the apes remind me of Michael Jackson.....and not the male apes, the female ones. I just googled - Planet of the Apes and guess what photos came out - Michael side by side with the APE.. oh wow!

I was on my last week of my one month break in June when Michael Jackson died. Funny a couple a months ago when he made his announcement that he was doing the " Curtain Call", I had hoped that he would come to HK or at least somewhere remotely nearer and less expensive for me to travel. Oh well, maybe it's better to remember him the way he used to be - vibrant, very flexible, so so talented and darker. I was really sad the day he passed - in many ways, Michael Jackson had a special meaning to each and everyone of us - children who grew up in the 1980s... When he passed on - it was the end of an era for myself.
When I look back in search of the fleeting memories that form my perception of what I'd call as my formative years - Michael Jackson had played such an intimate role. He filled my heart with love for music, a love that was sooooo simple and easy.
Michael, thank you.. If it wasn't for you. My childhood would have been so lonely and in many ways, I know you wanted to make this world a better place for children. You did, for me at least. I will miss you forever...
September 1, 2009 at 10:11 PM �
yay you're back!! ha ha, good job on keeping your mobile phones. they had very poor mortality rates in malaysia.
soooooo weird that you found that pic from planet of the apes - it was on astro a few days ago! (poor MJ)