Is this the face of a killer dog?

I secretly believe that my mother has obsessive compulsive disorder. I don't know anyone who checks 5 times prior to going to bed just to ensure the front door is locked. You know that song we used to sing in kindergarten about looking right and left and right again before you cross the road? Well my mother does that in multiples every time she crosses the road.

I'd to believe that all babies are born clean, innocent and unburdened by all the miseries of the world - well until our parents fucked us up with their issues. If we take a look at the criminal profiling of ALL serial killers ever recorded in history - Ted Bundy, BTK, Charles Manson - they all share one thing in common. Fucked up parents.. Can you believe it? Till he was about a teenager, Ted Bundy thought his grandmother was his biological mother and his sister was actually his real mum!

In the last 48 hours, two people have told me that they are parents in waiting. First, my lovely friend Zuzi told me yesterday morning that she is three months along and she will be having the baby in HK. Congratulations Zuzi!! I am so happy for you and Mark and just this morning Juls told me he is going to be a first time dad.

Seriously because I am at the age whereby all my friends are either parents or have plans to be parent. For me, I think about if I ever became a mother, what values will I teach my children

To be honest; I have been having this argument with people about raising children. In a world like today, is there seriously a wholesome place where kids just focus on just being kids? Or by the time they are born, are they already thrown into this vicious societal cycle where merits are placed on how well they do in school, how good they are at sports, if they will marry well, or if they will be a successful investment banker with a lucrative career at Goldman? Does it sound cliche if I say, if I ever became a mum. I just my kids to enjoy whatever stage of life they are at, think independently and not worried about being part of the system.

If only there is some kind of scanning system in place to check if people are suitable candidates to be parents, I am sure this will eliminate half the fucked ups in the world. The world would definitely be prettier and there would be more Sumatran tigers left in the wild. That would be really nice.

A few days ago, it was Easter and I don't know why but during every single public holiday, Discovery Bay ( where I live) is just infested with uncivilised people. I thought it's pretty well known in HK that DB stands for Dogs and Babies. I was queuing up to draw out some cash and this mother was pointing at Sophie and telling her son, " Be careful of the big dog, if you are naughty, the dog will bite you"

A sudden flash of anger and insanity ( Yes, I have a fucking crazy gene embedded in my system) came over me and I said to her, " Stupid woman, it is parents like you who fucked children up". I do feel a bit bad for saying it in front of her kid but look at my Sophie. She is so docile and tell me, does she look like a killer dog to you? I don't think so.. It's a real fucked up world.

1 Response to "Why serial killers kill?"

  1. Christina Says:

    it seems chinese parents like to scare their children into obedience or submission... control through fear! i don't think i'll make a good parent, so i most probably won't. no matter how much we say we will not be like our parents/grandparents, we will not bring up our children the way we were brought up, inadvertently the cycle continues whether we realize it or not. i'm already seeing it in some of my friends who display characteristics that they hate in their parents!

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