I am so fucking glad when we decided to renovate our house, I did not go to my friends for help because fucking them verbally would be the hardest thing to do and I am sure as hell that after they are done renovating my house, so would our friendship. After months and months of working on the house, I am so glad to say that the light at the end of the tunnel is nearing. We are two weeks from moving out to our temporary house and I can't tell you how much I look forward to telling my interior designer - expect no referral business from me.
I do not know what is wrong with people nowadays. They talk more than they listen. Let me tell you the things she tells me. "I have a feeling you would like this because my experience of working with you, tells me you're this type of person". I know myself for thirty years, I don't even really know myself, what gives her the right to say that. Another example of what she says to me, " This would look really good because most HK people do this" - Guess what, do I look and shit HK to you? Me - Malaysian, Me no care what HK people like and me like No bullshit!!!!!!!! ME NO LIKE YOU!!!!
I told her, I want a full length mirror for yoga and pilates. The next thing I know, I see a cabinet in front of my mirror. WTF is that and it seems to me her brains are just hardwired to neurotransmitters in her ass. And best of all in the sketches, my fitball is there. I think maybe she thinks I am so short, I do not need room to do my downward dog poses..
Today, Ms. Shit has just done it again. She called Rudi and told him that she would like to use this type of material for our wardrobe. I swear to god, my face fell when she sent me a reference picture.

Exhibit A : Reference picture from Designer

Exhibit B: Straight out of an IKEA catalogue
Need I say more? Because of confidentiality reasons, if you want to know the identity of this designer, please call me. I'd be delighted to share with you my trunk full of wonderful experiences working her.
February 15, 2009 at 1:28 AM �
"I have a feeling you would like this because my experience of working with you, tells me you're this type of person".
Are you kidding me??? How fucking presumptuous!!! My face fell when I saw those wardrobes too. Tell me you did not accept her options. I hope things work out for you and Rudi! xox
February 20, 2009 at 1:53 PM �
Ya man.