No one shops these days. The economy is shit and people just rather have cold hard cash. Since I started working out like a mad woman, I spend most of my free time in the gym. However, I have been doing a bit of window shopping lately. I look around and I see a lot of ugly shit. One of the weirdest "trends" to have ever become a global phenomenon is definitely Crocs. Till today, I seriously do not understand why people pay so much money on a pair of Crocs. I look it from every single angle and I am seriously baffled - it's a full 360 degrees of serious ugliness.
Fuck ventilation, fuck good circulation, fuck odor and fuck stinky feet. If there is one thing I look at in men besides his ass are his shoes. I am sorry, I am a modern woman and I am entitled to be shallow to certain varying degrees.
Just when I thought Crocs are probably the yardstick to define ugly, I am surprised to say that they have now entered a new level of pretty fucking ugly - fugly.
Ta... DAH!!!! Crocs Bag!!!!!! **** squeal with delight ** and I hope to shoot your product development team
Crocs bag - if you are ugly but functional, that I can forgive. If you are ugly, bulky and good for nothing. I really don't know what to say.
Somethings in life are just a flash in a pan, I reckon Crocs is just one of those things pretty much like Krispy Kremes in HK. Ephemeral and when it's gone, a light goes on in your head. Oh they are gone? Thank god for that.
The economist predicts that in the future, we will go back to the basics in terms of banking services and products, let's all do that as well with fashion..
November 17, 2008 at 9:43 AM �
hmm, you obviously didnt walk in them anywhere.
yes, they might be ugly - but they are comfy. and i hae them in lovely silver/pink colour and i love them. but have to admitt, i wouldnt wear them to bar...
just bought 3 new pairs on saturday - but must confess, they were 40 RMB a pair.
November 17, 2008 at 11:08 AM �
I have the MaryJanes. Not nearly as dinasouric looking as the normal ones. I cant get over the bags though. They are sooooo ugly
November 17, 2008 at 3:55 PM �
i have a pair of mary janes and the slipper-sandal thing. very comfy i must say. i don't really like the big normal looking ones though. i look like ronald in it ;)
speaking of crocs, they had a warehouse sale here over the weekend and people were like buying bags and bags of it coz they were going at S$15 - S$25 per pair. they were stocking up as if the crocs would come in handy in times of war!
November 17, 2008 at 4:01 PM �
am i the only one who doesn't own a pair of crocs??? hey allie, when there's shrapnel, debris and water-logged paths those crocs will come in handy! i hear they're good for those conditions.
November 19, 2008 at 9:33 AM �
Chris - do you want a pair? I am happy to buy you some
November 19, 2008 at 9:35 AM �
Allie this reminds of the story the emperor's new clothes. Sooner or later it will dawn onto us how ugly they are.