While I know I am not Tai-Tai material, spending the day like one once in a while is total revelry. I had such a nice day today. It's been so long since I have not rushed around for appointments, fulfilling obligations or talking to really obnoxious people.

It started with a sweat inducing session of Spinning and another set of vigorous circuit training at the gym followed with a light healthy lunch of chicken and mushroom ciabatta( trust me you don't work so hard just to blow on KFC or Mcdonalds). In true tai-tai fashion, I spent the whole afternoon at the hair salon getting my hair cut, coloring and treatment.

I met Jennifer for dinner before watching The Duchness starring Kiera Knightley. While I enjoy period movies for the cinematography and the grandeaur of portrayal of the decadent lifestyle, artistocrats seemed to enjoy during the Victorian era; I am so fucking glad I am not a woman of that era.

You're blamed for the stupidiest things - like not being able to produce a son, you can't vote, if you're rich; you are likely to live in a gilded cage. Kiera Knightley plays the Duchess of Devonshire and the Duke is the most powerful dude besides the royal family. Loveless marriage, Duke takes in a mistress who is coincidentally the Duchess's best friend, she loves this other guy but of course, they never ended up being together.. Very tragic.

Funny, fast forward to the 20th Century - we see Lady Diana and Prince Charles with almost the same storyline.. Well at least she got her divorce.

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