I have fat girl syndrome. I know I sound like one of those whiny little bitches who sit around talking about how fat they are when they are really not. The thing is once you have been fat before and when people incessantly give you flak for not being thin, you live with the scars forever..
My aunties and mother used to say shit to me like," Aiya fat girls cannot get married because who wants to marry someone who eats more than them."
What is fat girl syndrome?
The characteristics of fat girl syndrome are - you still think you're fat when you're not, once you put on 2 pounds you get really upset and you never think you're beautiful enough.
It's so sad to feel that way, I can't help it, I am only human.
For those who you who haven't known me long enough, you probably can't imagine a fat Natalie. Ah ha! I have evidence. I was looking through photos of me in iPhoto and I found some really incriminating pictures of myself. I want to burn them and hide them in a place where no one can find them but since I am on my way to be a personal trainer and I am the real deal and not the product of some fat busting pill/ slimming fad. I want to share with you guys - my fattest photos.
At my fattest, I weigh about 135 - 140 pounds. I mean it's not really heavy heavy but considering my height which is just a little off midget standards; I was fat. My BMI was 27 and body fat was 41% - that is fucking unhealthy.
6 years ago
October 7, 2008 at 4:54 PM �
Fat or not fat - you alwasys looked lovely and I am sure you were the same great friend anyway!!!!!!!
October 7, 2008 at 11:45 PM �
I love you Zuzi. Hope you have enjoyed your holiday!!!!!!!!
October 8, 2008 at 9:06 PM �
i don't think you looked fat at all! just cuddly! and you looked so pretty and cute in chengdu...
October 10, 2008 at 3:28 PM �
Chris ur one person who love me unconditionally. I think i look like shit also u think i look hot. Thank you ah