2:56 PM

I was destined to have Sophie. A little less than 4 years ago, I saw an Ad at a local Park N Shop of someone giving up a Labrador Retriever for adoption. I tore the ad down and took it home. Whilst we walked home, I told Rudi, I want to name her Sophie. Bright and early the next day, I called the number and asked the owners if she was still available. She was.. and I asked Chris, what is her name and he said SuQi. Like the Taiwanese actress. SuQi/ Sophie. Easy enough for me to tweak.

Anyways, it's been good having Sophie around. She makes me laugh so much. There are days I actually wonder, how much of what we say she'd actually understand... Thank god she can't talk, or else she would be leaking a lot of our secrets to our friends...Happy birthday Sophie.

2 Responses to "Sophie Turns 5."

  1. Alyson Rozells Says:

    Oh Nat, Sophie is just gorgeous! She's lucky to have a Mommy like you.

    I wish I had a doggie now too :(

  2. Lifeat30 Says:

    Ya, i like that we have quality time for her to just run around!!!!! i am going to australia tomorrow. everytime i breath australian air, i think of our endless blue skies days in perth. miss u baby

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