4:20 PM

I walked past G2000 yesterday and their campaign slogan cracked me up. It says, G2000 for those who work. My question is how about those who don't work? Can they not wear G2000? This is one good example of fucked up marketing.
Number 1 - okie great I still have a job so I am considered their target market but I won't buy G2000 stuff because they make me look like an insurance agent and their material is just shit. Unemployment rate in HK is inching up to 6% maybe it's time to think about another line of clothes - G2000 for those who don't work and want to look like they don't work? Maybe that's better marketing.
Good people of G2000 you need to fire your marketing team and when you do, you tell them G2000, it's only for those who work.

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