Whilst there are so many books and movies written and made about women trying to understand men, I don't think enough is said about men trying to understand women. I am glad I am not a man because I think that being a man is far more difficult than being a woman.
Off the top of my mind I can think of a few reasons substantiating my argument but however the main is probably awkward situations men land themselves in because they tend to think with their dicks than their heads.
I am not just saying it for the sake of saying it but look around you, the economics of the world is that the proportion of good looking women is just so much higher than good looking men. Why is there a need for a woman to look good at all times? Please do not give me BS like I like looking good for myself, a woman knows that looking good makes her a good commodity for men. And the better looking you are, the more sought after you become.
As a matter of fact, there is so much emphasis on how a woman should look, nearly all emphasis go purely to just that. And As a direct result of this, men often find themselves fatally attracted to good looking women only to find out at a later stage that everything they deemed attractive has been offset by freakish behaviors and the lack of mental stimulation.
Over my 1 hour odd lunch today, I had a man opened his heart and spilled out everything about encounters with the very wrong kinds on me. Having been married twice, he now wants to find a way out of the second one. One may ask, if you have been married once, wouldn't you have a better idea of what they want in a wife/husband? Apparently not.
I feel sorry for people like that, they seemed to have it ingrained in their heads that the idea of happily ever after usually involves someone molded to perfection along with great personality. I found the story of my friend to be somewhat an extreme source of paradoxical parody.
He warned me before he let his guard down, that I might think of him as a very mean person if he were to reveal the reason why he had divorced his first wife. She was as frugal as frugal could be. Whenever someone asked her for a piece of tissue, she would halved it and give the person half a piece of tissue. I can't believe it. I dread to think what she does to manage household toilet paper consumption ,does she restrict the length of paper she uses? I don't know. I don't blame the poor guy one bit. Imagine being married to someone who frets about menial things like that.
After lunch I did a lot of thinking about marriages and I asked men about things women do that completely makes them flip..
Women who size them up - What car do you drive? Where do you live? Most women never ask questions innocently.
Women who nag - do this and do that. My mother is prime example.
Women who expect too much - A woman takes a man into Dior, subtlety saying, oh this is pretty bag and what she really means is, buy it for me stupid!
Women who likes the attention, play games and then leave you out in the cold.
Women who say there is nothing bothering me when they are clearly unhappy about something - We like doing that a lot don't we? Haha!
6 years ago
November 30, 2008 at 10:17 AM �
oh gosh... i laughed my ass off at the thought of tissue tearing!! seriously got such people ar. but didn't your friend know this when/before he married her? didn't he ask her for tissue before??
November 30, 2008 at 8:26 PM �
Well he said that they dated for 6 years and by then he felt too guilty not marrying her wor.