There is one type of people that I absolute have no respect for - Asian chicks that think that once they get a white guy as husband or boyfriend, their status automatically changes from normal to high class.
After 50 years of decolonization, the sun I am sorry to say has set on the British empire and until today there are still low lifes that think that " Oh you're white and I have to kiss your ass". No wonder gwai lohs love living here.
There is fugly looking woman that lives in the same apartment building as me which I cannot stand. She is filipino ( no offense to filipinos in general, I am cool with the street dancing and sitting down in front of HSBC building on Sundays) Everytime you see her you can almost feel that she oozes this, oh, I am so highly and mighty type of attitude towards the other maids. It never fails to amaze me that just because of her marital ties with her cholesterol laden husband, she miraculously developed this posh British accent... Wahhhhh
On the way out to the lift yesterday, one of my clients said to me. You have been in HK for so long but you don't look like a Hong Konger. I was so agitated I'd almost wanted to bite her head off. Instead I didn't my anger got the better of me and said, well one could throw a brick and it will probably hit 10 HK girls, why should I be one? Cut the long story short, I am a fucking proud Malaysian. I might not be proud of the stories of political sodomizing and dumb things that ministers say or even the fact that my beloved home country has banned Yoga but trust me I am proud to be Malaysian.
That's why when people ask me, Are you Singaporean? I said, do you what is the punishment for calling a Malaysian a Singaporean? You can executed for that..
6 years ago
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