12:58 PM

I was watching this program called In World's Lost Tribes:New Adventures of Mark and Olly on Discovery. It's about these two white guys living amongst the Mek Tribe, a primitive tribe that had pretty much preserved their way of living for thousands of years in the deep jungles of Papua New Guinea for four months.

While I think it's cool that there is some mysteries left in the world; I don't quite understand their choice of clothes or rather lack of it. Here's is why.

Ta-DAH! Meet the Mek Tribe. The men walk around in the nude with only this pipe-like object that covers their penises - it's called a penis gourd. I am not ethnocentric but I seriously find this an inconvenience. Since life in the jungle is so complex; almost like a field of bobby traps, doesn't the penis gourd like get in the way a lot? Like when you're climbing trees - how about risking your gourd to get stuck between tree branches? I can think of a million scenarios getting caught in awkward situations.

True to societal order, if you're someone special like the village headman, you get to adorned your gourd with feathers and miscellaneous accessories. I wonder how it stays in place, they surely don't walk around with permenant hard-ons right. I guess, I will be waiting till next episode to see that because one of the white dudes will get to wear one.

5 Responses to "Meet the Mek Tribe"

  1. Christina Says:

    the program didn't explain how those gourds stay so upright on the penis? they are very narrow too. i really wanna know what happens when they get erections! haha

  2. Lifeat30 Says:

    No they didn't. Ya me too. It's just a weird weird choice of clothing because u see their balls hanging out

  3. Unknown Says:

    because the weather in the jungle is so unpredictable - hot, wet, dirty being naked is the best option :)
    and the stick is protecting their ... and they tie it around their waste (the highest point)- better then keeping it hanging around.

    and why am I so clever - i saw the whole serious.

    keep watching it - it is really interesting.

  4. Lifeat30 Says:

    Because the wild is such an unpredictable place. I'd rather wear something

  5. Christina Says:

    it took me a while to realize that it wasn't loin cloths or "pouches" they were wearing, but their balls! seems odd that they would just protect the penis but not the balls.. isn't it uncomfortable to let it all hang?? maybe you should sell tighty whities to these tribes..make a ton of money haha (and you're so right about the unpredictable wild!)

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