3:16 PM

I find the course of my life had temporarily come to a pause after I have succumbed to a lethal substance abuse known as rewatching the entire Season 1 - 7 of Sex and the City. I am a woman hooked; I tell myself again and again after one episode, " One more" and that's the problem with addictions, there is never enough unless you have overdosed.

I don't know why I started watching it again but I thought I would understand so much better as a 30 year old woman. When you watch the entire Season 3 in two days, you can't help feel that the dating game is exhausting. As much as I had loved the series when it first came out 10 years ago, I can't help but to think now that the lives of the protaganists - Carrie, Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte are in many ways the lives of the people I know in real life. They seemed to have everything but are actually very empty inside. Living in Manhattan is very similar to living in HK, we thrive on speed, changes and alienation.

If women had in the last 30 years or so struggled for equal rights, we are sure as fuck that we have not liberated outselves in the department of dating. I don't know if it's mere coincidence but I recently had two attractive and successful investment bankers telling me that they envied my life because I have found a good man to share my life with.

Girls, this is the honest truth and you can ask my man if you want. I am keen believer of going out there and getting what I want. Why do we play all these mind games? Why are we wasting so much time? Why do we always say that there all the good men out there are either gay or married? Have we forgotten that most gay men have a problem with fidelity or that many of who we defined as good men might in the future get a divorce?

I am glad I don't live in New York, my friend Josephine tells me that when it comes to dating, there are so many definitions. You can see someone, date someone and going exclusive with someone. Where are we right now? What is the hell is the difference? It seems when you see someone, you are allowed to see a few at the same time, when you date it's slightly more serious and how do I know when I am exclusively dating just one person? I am thinking right now as it is, aren't there enough labels ? A man's man, a metrosexual, a bisexual - I feel like I am walking past the biscuits aisle in a supermarket; the variety is just startling. We like categories don't we?

So after all these years, have I changed? Ten years ago, I really wanted to be Samantha and it wasn't because she was a nympho; it was because she didn't need to find someone to see herself as a complete picture and in a world where people tell again and again that you are no one unless you are loved, Samantha was my beacon of hope.

Taffy my friend asked me, why do you want to get married? I'd tell you why, I am not afraid of dying alone, I am someone who has a lot of love to give, I'd reckon it would be ashamed not giving it out to anyone. That's really it.

8 Responses to "The games we play."

  1. Christina Says:

    wow you've finished all six seasons!!!! damn fast right... i'm just starting on season four! exciting!

  2. Unknown Says:

    No i am still on Season 4. I can't wait too finish it.

  3. Alyson Rozells Says:

    see la, now both of you are tempting me to re-watch all of the episodes at one go. maybe i should since its a nice long deepavali weekend! :)

  4. Christina Says:

    1 dvd = 6 episodes = 3 hours. the long weekend enough ah? lol

  5. Unknown Says:

    Don't start allie, after cannot stop la

  6. Alyson Rozells Says:

    i took your advice and watched season 1 of cashmere mafia ;)

    not too bad. have you ladies watched it yet?

  7. Lifeat30 Says:

    Cannot afford to get addicted the second time round

  8. Lifeat30 Says:

    Cannot afford to get addicted the second time round

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